Last fall, Korean Supreme Court pronounced a noteworthy decision on paternity that a child who was born from other man’s sperm shall be regarded as the […]
I’d like to introduce the articles of Housing Lease Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the “Act”) and its Presidential Decree that are essentially for a […]
Korean courts impose severer penalties for the accused who commit sex offenses against minors than those in the past. There is a special act which prescribes […]
I’d like to clarify the ways to terminate an employment agreement. First, if both employee and employer agree that the employee resign, they may terminate the […]
I’ve been sometimes asked about narcotic crimes from expats in Korea. South Korea is famous for its strict laws on narcotic crimes and there are several […]
For workers, paid leaves are the time to recharge themselves. Labor Standards Act (hereafter referred to as the “Act”) stipulates that employers shall grant paid leaves […]
New Articles of 76-2 and 76-3 of Labor Standards Act (hereafter referred to as “LSA”) to prevent harassments in workplaces were established this January and they […]